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Sunday, September 25, 2016

Tech Mahindra Campus Placement - General English Question Paper

Tech Mahindra Campus Placement - General English Question Paper

The pattern of Tech Mahindra placement paper varies from college to college and the year conducted. One of the more popular patterns is:

- 35 Questions - General English
- 20 Questions - Number and Diagram Series
- 20 Questions - Quantitative Aptitude

There are a total of 70 questions with 1 hour being the time limit. 

Section A is General English. It is comparatively the most straightforward section, and should be attempted completely within 20 minutes. 
Here are some questions from previous years solved papers with answers:

1. The sentences below represent Direct/Indirect speech. From the below options, choose which one is the best example for the mentioned sentence:

She told her, “I know where the dog is”

a. She told her that she knew where the dog is. 
b. She told her that she knows where the dog was.
c. She told her that she knew where the dog was.
d. She told that she knew where the dog is. 

Answer – C

Choose the synonym:


a. Thorough 
b. Trivial 
c. Eager 
d. Excessive

Answer – D


a. Consume Rapidly 
b. Jump around
c. Identify
d. Bring together

Answer: A

4. The boy at the river was not eating _________ food. 
a. a 
b. nothing 
c. any

Answer: C

5. Choose one word which resembles the sentence:

Study of skin and skin diseases

a. Orthopaedics
b. Dermatology
c. Gynaecology
d. Endocrinology 

Answer: B

6. Rearrange the following to make a meaningful sentence: 

1. Except, we all contributed in the beginning days.
2. Manohar has just joined his office, he has been transferred. 
3. At first, he could not get hold of the city culture. 
4. Chandrapur is basically a rural area.
5. Currently, Manohar feels proud of his partners. 
6. Before being transferred he worked in the chandrapur office.

Which is the third and second sentence in correct order?

Answer: 4 and 6

7. The paragraph represents jumbled sentences. Arrange the paragraphs in correct order:

a. A pact where a new government is being formed
b. The Liberals and the NDP commented that their plan is to end the reign of Harper Conservative government by coming Monday.
c. If the present one falls apart as a result of lack of confidence
d. The opposition leaders of Canada have signed

1. ADCB 
2. DACB 
3. DABC 

Answer: 2

8.A part of the below mentioned sentence has been underlined. Choose a better word to use, in place of the underlined:

Can you open this knot? 

a. Break 
b. Loose 
c. No improvement
d. Untie

Answer: A

For Question 9 -12, write down the antonym 

9. Comic

a. Fearful 
b. Tragic 
c. Painful 
d. Emotional 

Answer: B

10. Annoy

a. Please 
b. Rejoice 
c. Admire 
d. Reward

Answer: A

11. Hapless

a. Consistent 
b. Shaped 
c. Cheerful 
d. Fortunate

Answer: D

12. Niggardly

a. Generous 
B. Stingy 
C. Thrifty 
D. Frugal

Answer: D

13. Join the following words to make up a meaningful sentence. 

1. Suddenly
2. left
3. the
4. He
5. House

What is the correct order of these words to be arranged? 

a. 12345 B. 14235 C. 32415 D. 53421
Answer: B

Fill the blanks with appropriate words:

14. I can have ____ a pizza __ a chicken dish for lunch.

a. Whether, or
b. As, whereas
c. Either, or

Answer: C

15. ___ my father __ my mother are from Mumbai. 

a. Both, and
b. Either, or
c. Both, with

Answer: A

Read the following passage and answer Q 16- Q 19

At a stage like this in human civilisation, it is of utmost interest that nations’ coarse ignorance towards one another decreases, people should start understanding a bit of histories of other cultures, other countries and the resulting mentality developed. It is really fault of Englishmen because they expected people to run the world as they wanted to, to international as well as political situations. We many a times expect people to be the way we are and because of that nothing is made out of our actual kindness and good intents. This could be corrected, not to be a very wide extent but to a certain limit if we knew global history, even outlines of it, about the conditions, social and political, which have lead the country to shape up as it has currently. 

16. Author wants the people of his country to:
a. Read other nation’s policies 
b. Have a better perceptive of other countries
c. Not to react with war
d. Have close contacts with all the countries

Answer: B

17. A better understanding among countries:
a. Has always been present
b. There is no need of that
c. Is now needed more than ever
d. Will always remain

Answer: C

18. The character that a country develops is mainly because of its: 

a. Mentality
b. Gross Ignorance
c. Socio-Political Conditions
d. Cultural Heritage

Answer: C

19. The fault of Englishmen was that they expected others to react to social and political situations like ________.

a. Everyone
b. Themselves
c. Others
d. Us

Answer: B

20. Find the word that has been spelt correctly:

a. Voguei
B. Equestrain 
C. Asspersion 
D. Voluptuous 

Answer: D

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